On multiple levels, AMOS does justice to the fact that aircraft maintenance is an extremely cost intensive business domain. The Financial Management applications include such tasks as cost and warranty control, invoice generation, stock value determination and integration into the customer’s financial accounting system.
All cost related data of a maintenance event noted in the context of work orders, work packages, projects etc. can be retrieved in the “Billing Module” in order to allow the generation of customer invoices. The applicable billing rates & conditions are determined based on a hierarchical structure from generic to very specific (general, customer, contract or quotation conditions)
AMOS disposes of a fully integrated and customisable interface to the customer’s financial accounting system, which enables the daily transfer of invoices and all financially relevant transactions containing accounting information based on a personalised Chart of Accounts.
A consistency check ensures that each stock fluctuation is explained by the movements transferred through the interface.
Next module: Optional modules