We provide different types of training through the internet depending on the different customer needs.
Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)
A Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT - a service introduced in 2020) is the remote alternative to a classroom training for end users or key users, where the trainer goes through presentations and guides the trainees through the handout exercises involving certain course topics and the related AMOS programs.
Refer to the Classroom Training section for what is already planned for the modules you can request for your company.
Virtual On-the-Job Training (VOJT)
A virtual on-the-job training (VOJT - a service introduced in 2020) is the remote alternative to an onsite on-the-job training, where the trainer provides explanations and demonstrations following a non-standard agenda tailored according customer's needs. Virtual on-the-job training is the perfect flexible solution to enhance knowledge, clarify uncertainties and answer open questions.
Virtual Classroom (VCT)
A Virtual Classroom (VCT) is a 2-3 hours session where the trainer presents an AMOS subject or a specific AMOS program through presentations and live demonstrations.
You can check the technical requirements and the list of available/scheduled trainings below.